2024 Term 3 Week 6

In exciting news, over 60 students are set to embark on their vocational education and training (VET) pathways in 2025. This follows a rigorous selection process led by our VET, Pathways, and Careers leader, Ms Michele Malonagos.
Over recent weeks, Ms Malonagos conducted interviews with students who had applied for VET courses, assessing their suitability. The selection process is designed to ensure that each student has carefully considered their chosen field and possesses the aptitude and personal qualities necessary to thrive in a more adult-oriented learning environment.
As these students prepare to begin their VET courses in 2025, they are taking their first steps toward careers in a wide range of industries, from allied health, children’s services and engineering to hospitality and construction. In fact, 17 different courses in total.
The success of this year's VET selection process is a reflection of the readiness, and determination of our Year 10 and 11 students. As they prepare to enter the next phase of their education in 2025, they can so with confidence and a clear vision of their future.
Two Year 11 students from SEHS have recently demonstrated their outstanding skills by participating in the Workskills Australia Regional VET in Schools competition. These students, who were nominated by their trainers for their outstanding performance in their respective fields, have shown that they are among the best in South Australia.
One of the standout performers was Nathan Petrie who competed in the plumbing category. and secured an impressive fourth place in the competition. Stefan Cvjeticanin showcased his skills in the electrotechnology category and performed admirably.
Nathan and Stefan’s participation and success highlight's the strength of the Northern Adelaide State Secondary Schools’ Alliance (NASSSA) VET programs.

Students in ALT-HUB (formerly known as SEAL) are organising a ‘SHOW UP N SHINE’ on Sunday, September 8th. With the guidance of their teacher, Kylie Gray and SSO, Tim Custance, the students are having the opportunity to develop the following skills:
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Time management
- Problem-solving
- Communication
- Organisation
- Attention to detail
- Resilience
- Responsibility
There is further information about the event later in the newsletter, including the link to register your vehicle.
This term has been especially exciting, with students participating in everything from sports competitions to leadership programs, and educational excursions. These opportunities not only enhance learning but also contribute to the broader development of our students, fostering skills like teamwork, leadership, and critical thinking.
One of the highlights of this term has been the enthusiastic preparation for the upcoming Schools Challenge at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Tuesday, September 10. Working with Performing Arts teacher, Ms Emily Miles, a group of students have created a stage-ready performance, incorporating dance, theatre and vocals to tell a story.

Sports is always a significant part of SEHS and this term’s Knockout Futsal competitions have been very successful. Competing against other schools in the region, they’ve shown what it means to play with passion and school pride. The competitions have been fierce, but our teams have risen to the challenge.

Almost forty of our Year 10 students have been engaging in the Youth Opportunities program, an initiative designed to empower young people with the skills and confidence to take on future challenges. Participants in this program have been involved in workshops and activities that focus on personal development and goal-setting - thus providing them with the tools to be personal leaders.
Almost twenty Year 8 students have been involved in Raise Mentoring over the past few terms. Raise Mentoring is a youth mentoring program designed to support young people during critical periods of their adolescence. The program connects trained volunteer mentors with students in schools, providing them with guidance, support, and a safe space to discuss their challenges, goals, and aspirations. Raise aims to empower young people by building their confidence, resilience, and social skills.
Complementing our in-school activities, students from all year levels have also enjoyed a range of educational excursions and visits from external providers this term. These excursions supplement the learning programs in various subjects, offering students hands-on experiences that bring their studies to life.

REMINDER: There is no school on Monday, September 2 (School Closure) or Tuesday, September 3 (Staff Training)
Kristen Masters, Principal

On Friday 16th August, Miss Lyons’ Stage 1 Tourism class went to Hahndorf for the day. Whilst we were there we took a range of observational data, and also talked to some of the people on the streets and in the local businesses in order to get some information on the tourism that is impacting the town. All the information we collected will be turned into a report for our upcoming Case Study assignment.
As we were doing so, the class explored the town’s old German heritage and the evolution of different business buildings throughout its history. Some of the memorable places we visited included the German toy shop, the lolly shops, Otto’s Bakery, Alec Johnston Park, and Beerenberg to name a few.
It was a highly interactive day, especially watching as the class split into small groups engaging with the locals as well as some travellers from Adelaide, interstate and even overseas.
Written by Liliana Murray and Dion Starke

Calling all motor bike / push bike and car enthusiasts to come along to our first ever event.
We are a group of Year 10 and 11 Alternative Learning Students from Salisbury East High School who have planned SHOW UP 'N' SHINE for our EIF and Community Studies activity which will go towards our South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).
Join us for a revved-up day where bikes, cars, food, drinks, and music collide in the best way possible. Whether you're into motorcycles, bicycles, or four-wheeled beauties, this event is for you!We've lined up everything from impressive bike displays with trophies waiting for the winners. And yes, there'll be a sausage sizzle put on by Dirty Devils Car Club while our own Alt Cafe students, will provide hot and cold drinks, cakes and biscuits to keep you fuelled, alongside our school Rock Band who will play some awesome tunes to keep the vibes high.
We have been working hard on making trophies for the event in our technology classes.
Please fill out the entry form using the link provided below so to help us with planning. Entry fees are $5 GST Free per vehicle and $1 GST Free for push bikes).
Payments can be made by card at the gate or online using the following details.
Salisbury East High School Council Inc
BSB: 065 122
Acct: 11105055
Please include Show and Shine and Name
Looking forward to seeing you there with your cool rides.

Congratulations to Year 9 student, Cassie, and Year 10 student, Madison, who have been selected in the Central Districts Development squad (SANFL). Both have shown great talent and dedication to make it into the second highest league in the state. Both are pictured with a very proud CDFC Under 17s coach and SEHS teacher, Miss Shannon Murphy. Remember, after school ‘footy’ is on Wednesday after school for any girls who want to improve their skills or are just starting out.

Earlier this term, our younger robotics teams competed at the first IQ competition of the season at Pedare College. Both our teams did SEHS proud, finishing 4th and 6th out of 24 teams in the qualification round. Moving into finals, both teams competed strongly but one SEHS team, Electric Eagles, really stepped up and walked away as overall tournament champions - thus progressing to the regional championship in October. Our other team narrowly missed out but will get another chance to qualify later this term at our SEHS event next week.

Earlier in the term, our Year 7/8 students participated in the Futsal competition at Gepps Cross Service FM State Centre. Our girls emerged as Division 1 winners with Brooke and Summer best on ground (on their birthday!). Boys Division 1 came 3rd in a playoff with our Division 2 team finishing 4th. Thank you to managers (Year 12s), Victor, Bako and Aeden.

Winners are grinners! After a big 5-1 win against Heathfield High School, it’s off to the finals on September 26th for our Open Boys knockout team.

This term, ninety year 7 students participated in their first high school camp experience, our school sleepover.
For some this was their first camp sleepover experience ever! Students spent the first day in the city, exploring the art gallery, museum, space innovation museum and completed a tour of Adelaide Oval. On the second day, students spent the morning at Cobblers Creek burning off the sugar from the night before and finished up with bowling in the afternoon.
Thank you to all of the staff who supported this event to ensure students had a great time and for the parents who helped our students be organised for the camp!
Year 7s will have another chance to camp next year when as year 8s they head to the Yorke Peninsula for an aquatics camp.
Kate Mckinna, Year 7 Co-ordinator

SEHS is ready to Spring into gardening!
The SEHS Staff Sustainability Committee has been working hard to reinvigorate student opportunities for gardening here at school. Our first project is a Kitchen Garden, with the intention for Food Technology students to be able to access home grown fresh produce for their cooking! A space has been set up close to the kitchens, and we would love to develop this space into a beautiful chill out space, as well as a place students can get involved in caring for.
Seeking edible plant donations from our SEHS community
To help us grow this program, we would love donations of EDIBLE plants from our SEHS families and friends. Perhaps a potted herb which isn't getting the love it needs in your garden, or a vegetable propagated from your own plants? Pots are also gratefully accepted. Family and friend donations will be acknowledged with your family name on the pot, creating a lasting legacy here at SEHS.
Please drop off donations with a tag to tell us what it is, at the Front Office. Please address any questions or concerns to Mr Cameron Strain or Ms Rachael Young.
We will be expanding the program into other types of plants as Spring progresses, so watch this space!
Student Support Services at the Para Hills Education Office works with preschools and schools where there are children and young people who have particular educational support needs. To further support parents and families, we are planning a series of free, accessible parent forums to help inform and support parents and the local community on a range of topics including supporting children with a disability and complex behaviour.
To ensure we provide the most relevant and useful sessions we ask that you complete a short online survey by scanning the QR code below.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.