2024 Term 3 Week 4

Term 3 – An Action-Packed Term
Term 3 has commenced at a cracking pace, offering a diverse range of learning opportunities for our students:
- Year 7 Camp and Sleepover
- Year 8 Healthy Minds (psychological skills training) during mentoring sessions throughout the term
- Success for Year 11 students who submitted their compulsory Activating Identities and Futures (AIF) subject in Semester 1, with 100% achieving A-C grades, including two A+ grades
- Year 10, 11, and ALT-HUB students applying for VET courses for 2025
- Year 10 and 11 students conducting research as part of their subject selection processes
- "Well Being Wednesday" organized by the Year 12 Society and Culture class for their peers
- Early success at the first two Robotics competitions of the season
- Impressive performances by our music ensembles at the Balaklava Eisteddfod
- NAIDOC Week celebrated with a staff vs. students AFL game
- Japanese Homestay students enriching our school community
- Numerous students representing the school in sports with great success
- A variety of off-site excursions
Looking ahead, we have even more exciting events planned:
- Science Week activities
- ALT-HUB students and staff hosting a Show n Shine
- SEHS competing in the Schools Challenge at the Entertainment Centre
- Subject confirmation for current Year 10 and 11 students
- SEHS hosting the VEX Robotics competition
- Well-Being and Inclusion Day
- Australian Business Week
- Cultural Day celebrations
- Parent/Teacher/Student learning conversations (interviews)
Bullying No Way Week: Everyone Belongs
At Salisbury East High School, we believe everyone deserves to feel safe, valued, and included. This year’s Bullying No Way Week, themed "Everyone Belongs," is a powerful reminder of our commitment to fostering a welcoming environment for all students. This week goes beyond being an anti-bullying campaign; it’s a celebration of the diversity that enriches our school community.
Belonging is key to a positive school environment. When students feel included, they engage more in their learning, build meaningful relationships, and contribute positively to the school community. Bullying No Way Week encourages us to reflect on how we can promote inclusivity in our daily interactions—whether through acts of kindness, standing up for others, or simply being a friend to someone in need.
We work hard to foster a sense of belonging at Salisbury East High School. Our House competition promotes teamwork and school spirit, uniting students across year levels. A diverse range of extracurricular activities allows students to explore their passions and connect with like-minded peers. Sporting competitions encourage camaraderie and healthy competition, while lunchtime activities offer opportunities to socialize, relax, and build friendships.
If students experience or witness bullying, they should report it to a trusted adult, such as the relevant Year Level Coordinator or Well-Being Leader. Reporting ensures the situation is handled appropriately and keeps everyone safe. We strongly advise against confronting the person responsible directly, as this can escalate the situation. Instead, focus on getting support from school staff who can intervene. Speaking up is a powerful step toward creating a safe and respectful environment where everyone belongs.
On Friday, August 16, we are having a free sausage sizzle and live band performance for our students.

Term 2 results:
Below is a summary of the grade distribution as reported at the end of last term.
A | B | C | D | E | A-C% | A/B% | |
7 | 19% | 28% | 42% | 9% | 2% | 89% | 47% |
8 | 19% | 23% | 38% | 15% | 5% | 80% | 42% |
9 | 23% | 29% | 33% | 11% | 4% | 85% | 52% |
10 | 22% | 34% | 30% | 10% | 4% | 86% | 56% |
11 | 16% | 31% | 44% | 6% | 3% | 91% | 47% |
12 | 23% | 34% | 31% | 10% | 2% | 88% | 57% |
A reminder that if you have any queries about your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to the relevant teachers.
A reminder that on Monday, September 2nd the school is closed (Royal Adelaide Show Day). This is followed by a Student Free Day (Staff professional learning) on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Kristen Masters, Principal

Salisbury East High School is continuing its work in 2024 with the SACE ‘Capabilities and Learner Profile’ pilot and a group of Year 10, 11, and 12 students. This is a collaboration between the SACE Board and 24 schools in South Australia to design a way to develop and formally recognise students’ ‘capabilities’ (life skills) as part of their South Australian Certificate of Education.
The main objective of this work is to provide a holistic view of student achievement that acknowledges capabilities that are developed both inside and outside of the classroom. These are:
- Personal Enterprise
- Collective Engagement
- Self-Motivated Learning
- Quality Thinking
- Principled Action
They may be demonstrated through, for example, extra-curricular school activities (e.g. sport, music, debating, Student Voice etc.); intentional activities that happen in the classroom/subject area (e.g. excursions, group work, peer support, Business Week etc.); and personal experience (e.g. carer duties, travel, part-time work, volunteering, learning a language etc.).
Evidence of this is ‘collected’ via, for example, student conversations, observations, and various other methods and, in turn, the capabilities are then formally recognised by the SACE Board and represented visually as a ‘Learner Profile’ alongside their end of year SACE results.
One of our three Learner Profile teachers, Mikaela Wells-Sidler, and I took part in the Capabilities and Learner Profile ‘Symposium’ at the Adelaide Convention Centre recently, which provided an opportunity for all the participating schools to share their learning, ideas, and feedback on the pilot. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the work SEHS is currently undertaking as well as gain valuable insights from other participants.
SEHS firmly endorses the SACE Board’s vision that students are ‘more than their grades’ and the subjects they study, and that the development of capabilities supports our students to thrive in post-school pathways. By participating in this pilot, we therefore reiterate our commitment to nurturing the diverse strengths and talents of our students.
I would encourage you, as parents and caregivers, to learn more about this future direction in education. The SACE Board’s ‘We Are More’ microsite (www.wearemore.edu.au) includes further information, including (but not limited to):
- Why the SACE Board has embarked on this project.
- Who stands to benefit from the development and formal recognition of student capabilities.
- How universities and employers are contributing to the project.
Jules Peck, Head of Senior School

On the last day of Term 2 some of our senior school students had the opportunity to attend Port Adelaide Community's Multicultural Power Cup Day.
The day featured a thrilling 9-a-side football carnival where SEHS, in partnership with students from Northern Adelaide Senior College (NASC), competed against other schools. We are extremely proud of all the participants, especially the girls' team, who not only won the day but also earned the opportunity to compete in the grand final at Adelaide Oval the following day as a curtain-raiser to the Port Adelaide vs Western Bulldogs game.
The students demonstrated exceptional heart, effort, and teamwork throughout the carnival. On Saturday, the girls had the honour of playing on Adelaide Oval and also enjoyed a special chance to watch the Port Adelaide team train before the match. It was a memorable experience for everyone involved!
The day was a reward for the students after completing the SACE Stage 1 Subject: Integrated Learning.
Students made Think Road Safety videos as part of assessment, creating an educational video on keeping yourself safe on the road partnered with RAA.
Year 11 Indigenous students, Tahana Chantrelle and Jackson Coaby, created our guernsey for this year, based around the NAIDOC theme ‘Keep the fire burning, Blak, Loud and Proud’
On the Friday, whilst playing football games, students got to meet AFL players including Esava Ratugolea, Allir Allir, Sam Powell-Pepper and Ivan Soldo.
Students also experienced a career expo earning themselves some L/P plates from RAA. Students were also exposed to painting workshops, table tennis and other cultural activities during the day.
To cap it off students also got to see the AFLW players and Charlie Dixon training. With some of the players being at Alberton Oval, the students got their guernseys signed and multiple selfies were taken.
Bella Cichowski and Jackson Coaby

Our Year 10 and 11 students are currently considering their options for 2025 by investigating SACE Stage 1 and 2 subjects they may wish to undertake in Year 11 and 12, as well as looking at post-school options such as university, TAFE, training/apprenticeships, and the world of work.
Students have/will also attend various presentations about SACE completion requirements, achieving an ATAR for university entrance, applying for a VET course, and future career pathways. They have been encouraged to discuss these options, and 2025 course preferences, with their mentor teachers, subject teachers, the Senior School Team, and parents/caregivers, to determine appropriate choices moving forward.
Subject Information Handbook
Extensive information about all Stage 1 and 2 subject offerings at SEHS is available in our digital ‘2025 Senior School Subject Handbook’. We recommend accessing this document and discussing it further with your child. It can be viewed and downloaded via this page on the new SEHS website: https://sehs.sa.edu.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/
This resource should subsequently inform student choices and be reflected on their ‘Planning for Year 11 or 12’ document and subject selection sheet, which will be completed in the near future. Students will eventually be asked to share the subject selection sheet with you, and have it signed.
Subject ‘Expos’ and Confirmation Interviews
On Thursday, August 15th (Week 4), Year 10 and 11 students will also attend a subject ‘Expo’ at school, where they will be able to consult with Curriculum Coordinators and gain further insight into the subjects on offer, course content, and pathway relevance/suitability.
All Year 10 students must then attend a course confirmation ‘interview’, preferably with a parent/caregiver, on Thursday, August 29th (Week 6), followed by the Year 11s on Friday, August 30th.
The specific appointment times will be communicated to students and parents/caregivers in due course. For the appointment, students should take along their planning document and subject selection sheet. A staff member will review these, ensure all requirements have been met, answer any additional questions, and then confirm their selections for 2025. Please note that there will be no Year 10 classes running on the Thursday and no Year 11 classes on Friday i.e. students only need to attend their appointments on the relevant days.
South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) Completion
Parents/caregivers are reminded that, in Year 11, students must achieve a C grade or better in two semesters of Stage 1 English, a C grade in at least one semester of Stage 1 Maths, and a passing grade in Stage 2 Activating Identities and Futures (AIF), to be eligible for SACE completion at the end of Year 12. Students who do not achieve these minimum benchmarks may be required to repeat Year 11 or be considered for alternative learning pathways.
All this information, as well as further details on how to obtain the SACE, has been included in a letter that was sent to parents/caregivers via email in Week 3.
Meanwhile, if you require any further information about the subject selection process, please do not hesitate to contact me, Shayanne Harrison, or your child’s Mentor Teacher on 8258 2070 or via Daymap.
Yours faithfully,
Jules Peck (Head of Senior School) & Shaynanne Harrison (Senior Leader Curriculum & Pedagogy)
Year 10 Mentor Teachers
1001 Leigh Achurch
1002 Serena Agars
1003 Luke McCabe
1004 Mary Agrios
1005 Rishta Sharma
Year 11 Mentor Teachers
1101 Senada Vojin
1102 Maddie Heller
1103 Sunil Sobhrajani
1104 Evan Yarwood
1105 Shari Bray
1106 Irene Towstyi

Students from ALT-HUB (formerly known as SEAL) have been working hard collaborating with 59's Rockers Motorcycle club, Shannon's Insurance and staff at school to plan a Show and Shine event at our school.
There will be different varieties of hot rods, motorbikes and pushbikes. We will be selling snags provided by Dirty Devils Car Club while Alt Cafe will be busy making drinks and selling cakes and biscuits and running a jellybean jar competition.
The School Rock Band will be providing music to keep the vibes high. If this is your thing, come along.
Bring the family for a look or bring your ride and enter it into the event. The students are making some awesome looking trophies in Design and Technology.
All funds raised will be going towards an end of year camp/excursion for ALT-HUB students.
We are excited (and freaking out ..just a bit!) as we see this event unfold. An official flyer will be sent out on socials soon. Hope to see some of you there.
Show Up 'N Shine details:
Date: Sunday the 8th of September between
Time: 10-2.
Cost : car/motorbike entry fee $5 (GST Free)
: student push bike entry - Daily Ride is $1 (GST Free)
: free entry for walkthrough visitors
Look out for our flyer, coming out soon.
If you have any queries, please contact Kylie Gray.
Kylie Gray, ALT-HUB Teacher

On Wednesday 7th August, three of our teams competed at the first VRC Vex competition of the season at St John's Grammar School.
Once again in a field of all private schools, the teams did SEHS proud. All three teams finished in the top three alliances, with our senior team taking the win overall and qualifying for the South Australian regional championship.
Jamie Broadhurst, STEM Coordinator


For more information click on the link below.

From Sunday 28th July to Thursday 8th August, SEHS hosted 20 students and 2 staff from Hanazono High School in Osaka, Japan.
Throughout their time in Adelaide, they were able to experience life in an Australian School and visit some of the sites Adelaide has to offer.
The students were able to enjoy learning about First Nation Culture including making a boomerang in Tech Studies, cooking Anzac Biscuits with Mr Strain and learning how to kick an Aussie Rules Football!
A big thankyou to all our Host Families, Staff and School Buddies who supported the students throughout their stay.
Kelly Bond, IES Manager

On Thursday of Week 1 three SEHS teams competed in a 7-aside carnival at Service FM stadium (Gepps Cross). All teams were very successful with our Open Boys Division 1 team winning the tournament; Open Boys Division 2 finishing Runners Up and our Open Girls team (made up of mainly Year 9 and 10 students) also Runners Up in Division 1. Mr Mac and Mr Peck were impressed with the quality game play and high intensity.

🍪 Don't let this sweet opportunity pass you by! 🍪
Have you seen all the scrumptious flavours on offer with our Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough fundraiser? There are 9 to choose from - doughn't be the one that misses out!
We think Raspberry White Choc and Choc Chunk are our favorites.
Funds raised are going towards equipment for ALT Cafe equipment.
Register today and order yours at: www.cookiedough.com.au

Year 12 can be a tough time for our students, especially once Term 3 begins and the pressure of going out into the world is mounting. Recently, Miss Heller’s Year 12 Society and Culture class ran activities for their cohort to build morale and improve their well being. A number of activities were on offer, including cupcake decorating, mindfulness colouring, team building exercises, gratitude letters and making friendship bracelets. Year 12 Society and Culture ran their activities seamlessly and the participating Year 12’s (and some Year 11’s) had a great time, feeling very refreshed.


For over ten years, the Research Project has been a compulsory part of the SACE but things are changing with AIF (Activating Identities and Futures) replacing it. This year, the vast majority of our Year 11 students successfully completed AIF in semester 1 - well done. Recently, I was pleased to catch up with a number of the students who scored ‘A’ grades in this Stage 2 subject.
Congratulations to Kayla Young, Jayden Bonnett, Sanvi, Mikayla Harvey, Vinny Georgiou, Storm Asikainen, Jackson Coaby, Cody Wood, Nielofar Haidari, Anita Tuyikorere and Thida Sok for their outstanding results. A special well done to Anita and Thida - they achieved A+ grades!
Kristen Masters, Principal


It is a pleasure to showcase some exceptional evidence of learning by one of our Aboriginal learners, Jackson Coaby. Now on display in the front office of SEHS, this was produced as a SACE Stage 1 (Year 11) English task. Students had to reconceptualise a short story and Jackson chose ‘Moama’ by Bryan Andy, a Yorta Yorta man. When you are next in the front office check it out and take the time to read Jackson’s explanation. It’s stunning!