2024 Term 1 Week 3

Year 12 students, Mitchell and Nhi, and Principal, Kristen Masters welcoming some of our new Year 7s to SEHS.
Welcome to 2024
It has been a good start to the year with our overall enrolments similar to 2023. A special welcome to our new students and families.
While we are delighted to welcome a small number of new staff, overall, we have a very stable staff team in 2024 which means that many of the relationships that underpin good classroom experiences are already in place.
In Week 1 we came together for a whole school assembly and there was a great vibe as we welcomed all year levels back to school, learnt about events planned for Term 1, heard key messages and expectations and engaged in a whole school game of ‘heads and tails’.
Over these first two weeks, year level co-ordinators and teachers have had a focus on making explicit a range of expectations that support students to be successful as learners and positive members of a safe and supportive school environment. Underpinning all that we do is our emphasis on our core values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and RESILIENCE.
Thank you for your support with uniform
We have been delighted with the way that students have returned to school with 95% of them in complete uniform and thus being part of the SEHS ‘team’. We are working with the remaining 5% to improve this even further.
If your child does not already have a school jacket or jumper, please endeavour to organise this over the coming weeks. While the weather is currently warm, things can change quite quickly. We are anticipating that our uniform supplier, LOWES, will be having a 20% off sale in March so will advise you of the specific dates as soon as we are notified.
If you require support with uniform items, please contact our Well-Being Leaders (Amelia Molnar – Middle School) and Sarah Afshin-Pour (Senior School) as we have some pre-loved and loan items available.
Materials and Services Charges
As advised in the last newsletter of 2023, the SEHS Governing Council polled parents to gain approval to make the Materials and Services Charge of $470 compulsory. Over 60% of parents who responded were in support.
As such, the Materials and Services Charge of $470 is legally recoverable. However, due to the State Government’s rebate of $100, the amount payable for this year is $370. Invoices were mailed out in Week 1.
Please note that the Materials and Services Charge is the same as 2022 and 2023 in recognition of cost of living pressures that we know that families are experiencing.
For families who are eligible for School Card, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. If you need support with this, please reach out to our friendly Administration team.
Class of 2023 news
We have been delighted in recent weeks to learn that the majority of our students have gained offers into their first preferences for university. We have students accepted into Physiotherapy; Science; Space Science and Astrophysics; Podiatry; Architecture; Medical Science; Education/teaching; Philosophy, Politics and Economics; Film and TV; Medical Radiology; Journalism; Engineering; Business; Psychology; Human Movement; Marketing and Management; Construction Management and Foundation Studies.
We also know that a number of students have also commenced apprenticeships this year.

With our DUX, Vicky Kim, scoring in the top 2.35% of South Australian students, the clear message is that the sky is the limit for students at Salisbury East High School! Vicky is now headed for university and will study Physiotherapy. She has also been successful in gaining a University of South Australia Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship to support her studies.

Last Wednesday, two students were presented with Merit A+ awards at the SACE Merit ceremony. Held at Government House, Rhys Aplosen (Material Solutions) and Alicia Brandon (Health and Well Being) were recognised for their exceptional achievement in their subjects. Both students gained ATARs in excess of 90 and are university bound studying Architectural Design and Psychology (Advanced) respectively.
Thank you also to Mr Evan Yarwood and Mr James Marshall for their work in guiding and supporting Rhys and Alicia to achieve success in Material Solutions and Health and Well Being.

Rhys and Alicia with Head of Senior School, Mr Jules Peck.
Harding Miller Scholarships
Six of our Year 9 students have been awarded Harding Miller Foundation Scholarships to support them on their journey through secondary school. The Harding Miller Foundation is committed to providing support for girls with significant academic potential attending public schools across Australia. Students have access to tutoring and mentors as well as a range of initiatives designed to alleviate financial costs associated with schooling. Recently we were able to present them with their new laptops from the Harding Miller Foundation. Congratulations to Lillian Jones, Jasmine Tiplady, Isla Starke, Anet Taban, Shyan Ward and Nargis Hussani.

Smith Road Carpark
Work commenced today on our new Smith Road Carpark. This is an election commitment from the South Australian governments and once completed will see vehicles exit from the carpark into Fern Grove Boulevard. This is intended to reduce the congestion near the crossing area at the end of the school day. In conjunction with this, the City of Salisbury Council will be also making some improvements to the current drop zone on Smith Road (work commencing in March).
As announced at a recent school assembly, there will be no onsite parking available for students while this work is occurring. Wherever possible, senior students are advised to use public transport this year as there is limited parking available on nearby streets.

Welcome to new staff
- Serena Agars – Teacher - Food and Textiles Technology
- Katie Burdon – Teacher – Psychology and Science
- Stuart Daniels – Teacher – HASS
- Caryn Duell – Teacher – Supported Learning Class
- Jerry Elder – Teacher – English/HASS
- Joe French – Teacher – English/HASS
- Rob Pippan – Teacher - Music
- Chelsea Appleby – SSO – classroom support
- Tabitha Bentley – SSO – classroom support
- Nikki Conway – SSO – classroom support
- Nazreen Jawad – BSSO (Arabic)
- Khushi Patel – SSO – classroom support
- Petria Treeby – ALT-HUB (formerly SEAL) – Youth Worker
- Brooke Zarazinski – SSO – classroom support
Kristen Masters, Principal
Our new Year 12 cohort, 'The Class of 2024', has started out on the final leg of their high school journey at SEHS.
Pictured here earlier this term posing for their traditional Day 1 photograph, there has been a lot of optimism amongst the students for the year ahead.
They will be aiming to achieve their SACE, attain ATAR scores for university entrance, complete VET training courses and set themselves up for future post-school pathways.
The Senior School Team, Year 12 subject teachers and mentors, have very high hopes for all our students, and are very much looking forward to working with these young adults throughout the next 10 months and supporting them to achieve their full potential.
Good luck for the year ahead!
Jules Peck, Head of Senior School

Our 'Class of 2024' have taken delivery of their unique SEHS Year 12 senior jackets!
Featuring new graphics on the fleece side, they can also be reversed to reveal a spray side, which includes everyone in the year level's name, as well as the student's own name below.
A second order will be processed soon and information about this will be communicated to students in the coming week.
Modelled here by some of our Year 12s, they definitely look dressed for success!
Jules Peck, Head of Senior School


The following information was sent out to Year 12 Parents late last week.
Friday, February 9th, 2024
Re: Year 12 Students – Key Information
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
I would like to introduce myself to you as the Year 12 and SACE Coordinator for 2024. I’m really looking forward to getting to know all our students and supporting them to complete the South Australian Certificate of Education and subsequently transition to their desired post school pathways. Please find outlined below some key information.
Year 12 students are required to attend school from the start of their first timetabled lesson to the end of their last timetabled lesson each day. Where the morning check in (Mentoring) is directly before a timetabled lesson, students are required to attend this also.
When arriving at school after morning check in (Mentoring) or leaving prior to the end of the school day, students should sign in and/or out of Student Services to ensure their attendance is updated as ‘Home Study’. Students are not permitted to leave school grounds between their first and last lessons.
Year 12 Agreement Form
To promote all students’ success in their studies, Salisbury East High School has established a set of expectations for staff and students that are documented in the ‘Year 12 Agreement Form’. This was explained in a mentoring session today (Friday) and will be distributed to students next week. It will require a parent/caregiver signature of acknowledgement. Please return this agreement form to the school with your child as soon as possible after distribution.
Mentoring Program
The Year 12 Mentoring Program is designed to support students’ wellbeing, academic progress, and pathway planning. It will be delivered weekly on Fridays from 8.40 to 9.20 a.m. and is a compulsory part of the Year 12 timetable that provides essential information for our students.
Timetables and Subject Changes
Several students have requested subject changes throughout the first two weeks of this term. Where students can demonstrate a clear relationship between their requested change and their pathway and/or academic success, these changes have been supported. Where possible, contact has been made with a caregiver to confirm their awareness of subject changes. When contact through a phone call has not been possible, a text message has been sent to advise you of the changes.
Car Parking
We are aware that many students drive to and from school. All students driving to school are required to supply their vehicle information (car make, colour, and registration number) to me, preferably as a Daymap message.
Commencing at the start of Week 3, Term 1, the Smith Road car park is being re-developed. As a result, there will be no on-site parking for students until the end of Term 1 at least. Given most street parking around the school is heavily restricted, it would be appreciated if you could support your child to identify an alternative method of transport for the remainder of this term.
Term 4 Key Dates
While the end of the year feels like a long way away, it will be here before we know it! Outlined below are some key dates in Term 4 for your reference:
Last day for Year 12s (final timetabled lessons and assembly): 31/10/24
Year 12 ‘Day in the Park’ (activity/social day): 1/11/2024
Year 12 Formal: 15/11/2024
Year 12 Graduation: 20/11/2024
At SEHS we strongly value parent/caregiver involvement, and I therefore support and encourage you to contact me at any time via:
Email: belinda.parr494@schools.sa.edu.au
Daymap message: Belinda Parr
Phone: (08) 8258 2070
I’m looking forward to working in partnership to support your child’s learning throughout this year!
Yours faithfully,
Belinda Parr, Year 12 and SACE Coordinator