2023 Term 1 Week 5
Thank you for your overwhelming support as we have been implementing the new mobile phone policy of ‘OFF AND AWAY’ over the past five weeks.
We have had a staged approach as we have educated students on the key expectations and processes.
Year 7 and 8 students are required to store their phones in their lockers all day and Year 9-12’s in their bags.
Teachers are noticing some definite changes – not just in the classrooms but in the yard. Students are far more sociable and instead of being on their phones, they are engaging in more conversation, physical activity and indoor games. There is a very positive vibe of active interactions which is great to see.
As you know, students who have their phones out are required to hand them over for safe storage at the Front Office for the remainder of the day. On average, that is about 13-17 phones per day which given our school population of 1000 is very encouraging.
Next week we will begin enforcing the ‘three strike’ process which means that on the third and subsequent time a phone needs to be handed in each term, the student will then have to hand their phone in for secure storage for five consecutive mornings. However, given that the new policy has been a learning process, everyone will start on zero at the beginning of Week 6 as a ‘one-off’ for this term only.
Earlier this week, the Minister of Education, Blair Boyer, launched a media campaign at our school to promote the advantages of the new policy to the wider community. Thank you to students and staff who participated in this visit.
It has been terrific to see the achievements of our students recognised in recent weeks.
Earlier this term, I had the privilege of attending the SACE Merit Ceremony to see our 2022 Year 12 DUX, Sonthari Dilen Keam presented with her Governor’s Commendation – Excellence Award – just one of twenty eight students.
Several weeks ago, two of our students: Luka Subotic (Year 11) and Jackson Coaby (Year 10) were selected to participate in Teen Parliament where they made impassioned speeches about their vision for the future.
As a result of this, Jackson was one of six students who have won $10,000 scholarships. He was presented with this at a prestigious ceremony last week, attended by the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, Governor, Frances Adamson and Premier, Peter Malinauskas.
Earlier this week, Vonda Last from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) made a presentation to Year 11 student, Charjar Rolfe. Charjar is the recipient of the Walpaara Anpa (means clever one) award. It is a government initiative to encourage academic achievement for Aboriginal Students in the SACE Years and beyond. They select students who have continuous successful results, excellent attendance, involved in school or community activities and so can be a role model for other Aboriginal students. Charjar is all of that!
We know that when we work in partnership with our school community – especially our parents and caregivers – amazing outcomes can be achieved for our students.
Last week we were delighted by the attendance of families at the Year 7 Welcome Evening. Over 60% of our Year 7 families came in, gained some information and met relevant teachers over a BBQ prepared by students and staff.
Last week when we experienced the social media threats, I was very appreciative of being alerted to them very early. The contact from one of our parents and one of our students meant that we were able to involve SAPOL right from the ‘get go’ – leading to a speedy resolution where the perpetrator was identified and charged.
Unfortunately, when there is a threat made at a specific school, it is assumed that the perpetrator is a disgruntled student at the school. What I learnt is that with this recent spate of hoaxes, this is rarely the case and that it is more likely to be a ‘copycat’ from outside the school community.
- Sports Day – Friday, March 10 – please watch out for a separate letter with full details about the day
- Public Holiday – Monday, March 13
- Pupil Free Day – Tuesday, March 14 – staff will be mainly involved in curriculum planning and moderating early samples of student ‘work’ to ensure consistency of standards.
- Open Night – Thursday, March 16
Kristen Masters, Principal
On February 23, a group of Salisbury East High School Year 7 and 8 students were selected to participate in a 3v3 Basketball Tournament. All teams were successful with two teams coming in second place and one in third. There were many new faces making it into the teams and it was the first time they played together. The tournament took place at The Arc Centre, Campbelltown, where each team competed in eight 15-minute games against many competitive schools. Lochie De Bais, Jacob Brooke-Lambert and Cassie Wasley did amazing jobs captaining their teams. Overall, our sporting participants continue to do the school proud!
Shannon Murphy, Teacher
Tues 7th - Thurs 9th March - School Dental Visit
Wed 8th March - International Womens Day
Friday 10th March - Whole School Sports Day (Bridgestone Reserve, Salisbury)
Monday 13th March - Adelaide Cup Day - Public Holiday
Tuesday 14th March - Student Free Day - Front Office Closed
Wednesday 15th - Monday 27th March - NAPLAN Year 7 & 9
Thursday 16th March - Open Night (See flyer above)
Monday 20th March - National Day of Action against Bullying & Violence
Tuesday 21st March - Harmony Day
Friday 7th April - Good Friday - Public Holiday
Monday 10th April - Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Thursday 13th April - Parent/ Teacher Interviews
Friday 14th April - Last day of term 1 - 2:05pm Dismissal